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Donate to help build more pages on this important website!
Updated Sep 13, 2023

We hope you are finding this Solve Pest Problems website to be a great resource.  We could use your help to continue building pages about the wide variety of insect pests, plant diseases, and other problems.

Build-A-Page Fundraising Campaign

Please consider making a donation to help make this critical pest management information available to the public as soon as possible.

Funds go directly toward the costs associated with building website pages, including general plant pests (such as slugs) and the most common pests and diseases for specific plants (such as roses).

Content development costs include the following activities:

  • Write science-based content in plain language
  • Source photos and track licenses for use
  • Enter content into website template
  • Fact-check, edit, and copyedit content

We estimate it costs about $1,000 to develop each page of website content (for example, Slugs & Snails). This estimate doesn’t include overhead costs to develop and maintain this website.

New content pages in this section will be built for priority plants and pests as funds become available.

You can Make A Difference

Donations of any amount are welcomed and appreciated

Please make a secure online donation to OSU Oregon IPM Center Solve Pest Problems through the OSU Agricultural Research Foundation PayPal 


Send a check to:
Agriculture Research Foundation
ARF 8399G, IPM Website Donation,
1600 SW Western Blvd., Suite 320,
Corvallis, OR 9733


Donors will be acknowledged on our Funders and Community Partners web page.