Broadleaf Weeds (Soft Leaves & Stems) in the Pacific Northwest

Unwanted broadleaf plants with soft leaves and stems (herbaceous); stems are not woody, and not grass-like

Stand of creeping buttecup
Creeping buttercup leaves
Creeping buttercup flower
Photo credits
Top right:


Bottom right:

Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Creeping Buttercup

Ranunculus repens

Creeping buttercup is a perennial (lives many years), herbaceous plant (soft leaves and stems) with yellow flowers. It is a widespread weed in the Pacific Northwest, especially west of the Cascade Mountains.

Dandelion plant

Leaves and flowers grow from a tap root. Yellow flowers grow 1-2 inches wide.

Closeup view of dandelion leaf

Jagged leaves grow 2-10 inches long and look like lion teeth.

Dandelion puffball or seedhead composed of seeds

Flowers mature into a ball of seeds. The seeds detach and float away.

Photo credits

Elekes Andor, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Top right:

Lynn Sosnoskie, University of Georgia,

Bottom right:

Joseph O'Brien, Joseph O'Brien,


Taraxacum officinale

Plants are low-growing with yellow flowers that form balls of seeds. Dandelion is a very common weed. Action is optional.

Field bindweed flowers and leaves

Field bindweed forms a dense mat of vines and leaves on the ground. It also climbs and overtakes other plants, fences, and trellises.

Field bindweed leaves and flower on a stem compared to ruler

Field bindweed forms a dense mat of vines and leaves on the ground. It also climbs and overtakes other plants, fences, and trellises.

Pink and white field bindweed flowers

Field bindweed spreads with vines that grow across the ground and roots underground.

Field bindweed  plants with root system and daughter plants

Field bindweed spreads with vines that grow across the ground and roots underground.

Field bindweed seeds

Mature field bindweed plants produce dozens to hundreds of seeds shown in the photo. Seeds remain viable in the soil for many decades.

Field bindweed seeds compared to ruler (millimeter scale)

Mature field bindweed plants produce dozens to hundreds of seeds shown in the photo. Seeds remain viable in the soil for many decades.

Photo credits

telev_cat, iStock

Top right:

Bruce Ackley, The Ohio State University,

Bottom right:

"serprud-024" by Vlad Proklov is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Bruce Ackley, The Ohio State University,

Field Bindweed

Convolvulus arvensis

Field bindweed is a perennial (long-lived) plant that dies back to the ground in the winter. This herbaceous (soft stems and leaves), vining plant has white-to-pink flowers. It forms dense mats that cover the ground. It also climbs and smothers crops and ornamental plants.

Italian arum plants with stems and leaves

Plants grow about 12–18  inches tall. Leaves are shaped like an arrow with a pale green midrib and veins.

Italian arum flower and leaves

Flowers are a yellow-cream color and unpleasant smelling. They have a stubby spike and a large, white, funnel-shaped structure.

Italian arum spikes with green fruit in bare soil

Fruits are tightly clustered on spikes. Fruits turn from green to orange-red, and contain seeds that spread it to new areas.

White roots and stems exposed in soil

Stems extend below the soil surface. Forms white tubers and roots. They are difficult to remove.

Dense patch of Italian arum

Italian arum forms dense patches that are visible in fall through winter. In warm, dry summer months, the stems and leaves die back and are not visible above ground.

Photo credits

Weston Miller, Oregon State University

Top right:

"Arum italicum - Araceae" by Kerry  Woods is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (cropped).

Italian Arum

Arum italicum

Plants grow about 12–18 inches tall. Leaves are shaped like an arrow with a pale green midrib and veins. Italian arum escaped from landscapes and is spreading into new areas. Take action to control this invasive weed.

Dense patch of of lesser celandine with flowers

Forms dense patches that are visible in later winter and spring. Above-ground stems die back and are not visible during summer and fall.

Lesser celandine plants with roots and stems next to ruler

Plants grow about 6-8 inches tall from the base (rosette).

Yellow flower with 8 yellow sepals

Yellow flowers have yellow sepals (resemble petals).

Small, pale bulbs on stems

Small, pale, bulbs (called bulbils) form on the stems. They attach to your shoes, clothes, and equipment. Bulbils are carried by flowing water to new areas.


Lesser Celandine

Ficaria verna

Lesser celandine grows 6–8 inches tall. It has dark-green leaves shaped like hearts, and yellow flowers. Lesser celandine spreads quickly. It dominates an area when left unmanaged. Take action to control this invasive weed.

Garlic mustard plant in bloom

Stems grow from three to four feet tall and wide. White flowers form at the top of the stems in the spring.

Garlic mustard rosettes

Seeds germinate in the late winter or early spring and grow into rosettes with kidney-shaped, toothed leaves. Individual plants live as rosettes one year.

Garlic mustard flowers and leaves

Garlic mustard plants live for two years. In the spring of its second year garlic mustard grows stems and triangular leaves with toothed edges. The leaves are arranged opposite each other along the stem. White flowers with four petals grow at the top of the stems.

Garlic mustard pods

Garlic mustard spreads quickly by seed. Larger, mature plants make up to eight thousand seeds. The seeds form in narrow pods in the late spring. By late June, the seed pods pop open, and spread the seeds.

Garlic mustard growing in a forest

Garlic mustard quickly dominates natural areas such moist forests and dry woodlands. It suppresses native plant growth. The loss of native plants reduces the habitat value of the area.

Map of Oregon showing garlic mustard distribution

Garlic Mustard Distribution and Reporting in Oregon

The red area on the map shows where garlic mustard is widespread. Yellow areas show counties where it has limited distribution. Grey areas show counties where it is not known to occur.

Reporting Invasive Species

You can help Oregon agencies track the distribution of invasive species.

If you know about an infestation of garlic mustard, please report it to the Oregon Invasive Species Hotline. Call 1-866-INVADER (1-866-468-2337). Or use their online reporting form.

Photo credits

Chris Evans, University of Illinois,

Top right:

Tom Heutte, USDA Forest Service,

Garlic Mustard

Alliaria petiolata

Garlic mustard is an invasive, herbaceous plant (soft leaves and stems) that spreads by seeds. It forms a dense stand of plants and dominates the forest understory and edges. Take action to control this invasive weed.

Shiny geranium growing in a dense stand on road side

Shiny geranium grows six to eighteen inches tall. It often forms dense mounds that smother other vegetation. It favors landscapes and the sides of roads, trails, and forest edges.

Shiny geranium plant with red stems

Stems range from green to red, depending on environmental conditions. The stems are hairless.

Stand of geranium plants with red leaves

Plants turn red in the late spring and into summer. The green structures are mature flowers (capsules) that contain shiny geranium seeds.

Shiny geranium seed capsules and seeds

Shiny geranium forcefully ejects its tiny seeds from their capsules. This trait helps spread the seeds to form dense carpets. The seeds are textured. They stick to shoes, clothing, and pets. The seeds are carried to new areas.

Map of Oregon showing shiny geranium distribution

Shiny Geranium Distribution & Invasive Species Reporting in Oregon

Red areas show Oregon counties where shiny geranium is widespread. Yellow areas show counties where it has limited distribution. Grey areas show counties where shiny geranium is not known to occur.

Invasive Species Reporting

You can help Oregon agencies track the distribution of invasive species.

If you know about an infestation of shiny geranium, please report it to the Oregon Invasive Species Hotline. Call 1-866-INVADER (1-866-468-2337). Or use their online reporting form.

Shiny, lobed leaves and pink flowers

The leaves are shiny and lobed. Shiny geranium has small, pink flowers with five petals.

Photo credits

Weston Miller, Oregon State University

Bottom right:

Weston Miller, Oregon State University

Shiny Geranium

Geranium lucidum

Shiny geranium grows 6–18 inches tall. It has shiny leaves and pink flowers. Shiny geranium spreads quickly in shaded woodlands and yards. Take action to control this invasive weed.

Yellow archangel stems, leaves, and flowers

Yellow archangel’s leaves are hairy and toothed. They grow opposite each other along the stem. Its leaves are often variegated with silver green markings

Yellow archengel leaves (green) and flowers

Some yellow archangel plants have green leaves. All plants of this species have yellow flowers as shown in the photo.

Stem layering illustration

Once yellow archangel is established, it spreads via stem layering. When nodes on the stem contact the ground or get buried, they sprout roots. The line drawing shows layering. Stem fragments can also take root and establish new plants. Yellow archangel also spreads by seed.

Photo credits
Top right:

Rob Routledge, Sault College,

Bottom right:

University of Maine

Yellow Archangel

Lamiastrum galeobdolon

Yellow archangel is a fast-growing perennial (lives many years) herbaceous plant (soft leaves and stems). It was widely planted in landscapes the Pacific Northwest. It has escaped from landscapes and is quickly spreading into adjacent forested areas. Take action to control this invasive weed.

Large patch of Canada thistle before flowering

Canada thistle grows slender stems 3-5 feet tall. Many stems grow together to form dense patches.

Canada thistle leaves

Mature leaves are 2-8 inches long. Leaves are alternately arranged on the stem. They are lobed with stiff spines.

Canada thistle seed structures

Each seed has a white structure (pappus) that aids wind dispersal. Seeds sprout on or just below the soil surface. Seeds remain viable in the soil for many years.

Canada thistle growing in a box above ground in order to show its robust root system

Canada thistle grows a large root system. The photo shows a box about 4 feet above the ground surface. A side of the box has been removed to show the roots. Roots grow laterally for dozens of feet and about 10 feet deep. The root system stores energy and supports vigorous shoot growth.

Canada thistle shoots emerging from mature roots in spring

New shoots emerge from the root system during warm periods.

Photo credits

"Cirsium arvense" by Matt Lavin is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Top right:

Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Bottom right:

Theodore Webster, USDA Agricultural Research Service,

Canada Thistle

Cirsium arvense

Canada thistle grows stems of 3–5 feet with pink thistle flowers. Stems die back in the winter. It regrows from robust root systems underground. It has spiny stems and the leaves limit human activity where it grows. Take action to control it.

Flowering tansy ragwort plants in field

Tansy ragwort stems grow 1.5-4 feet tall. It forms dense stands. Tansy ragwort thrives in areas with disturbed soil.

Examples of tansy ragwort leaves

Its leaves are dark green on top and lighter underneath. They have deeply lobed leaves with a ruffled look.

Tansy ragwort flowers

Tansy ragwort has yellow, sunflower-family flowers. They have 15-ray flowers that look like petals.

Tansy ragwort rosette

After a tansy ragwort seed germinates, plants form a rosette. The rosettes have light-green leaves that grow close to the ground. The leaves are lobed.

Cinnabar moth larvae on tansy leaf

The cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae) was introduced to the Pacific Northwest. It helps to control tansy ragwort. The larvae of the moth defoliate tansy ragwort. See below for information about biocontrol.

Photo credits

Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Top right:

Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Bottom right:

Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Tansy Ragwort

Senecio jacobaea

Tansy ragwort is an herbaceous plant (soft stems and leaves) with yellow flowers. The stems grow upright 0.5–4 feet tall. It is a widespread weed in the Pacific Northwest. It is common in areas disturbed by grazing, logging, construction, or fire. Take action to control tansy ragwort.

Clump of yellow flag iris leaves

The mature leaves are 2–3 feet long, flattened and sword-shaped, typical of most iris. They may stay evergreen in mild winters.

Yellow flag iris flower

Yellow flag iris flowers have 3 large downward-spreading sepals and 3 small erect petals. The sepals may have delicate brownish to purple veins. Yellow color may be bright or pale. It blooms from late spring into summer.

Glossy green seed pod

The seed pod is up to 4 inches long and glossy green. It contains many flattened brown seeds. Seeds float on the water, and spread yellow flag iris into the surrounding area.

Rhizome with leaves and roots

Yellow flag iris spreads by stout rhizomes. They grow rapidly, forming a dense mat.

Brown, flattened seeds

Flattened brown seeds are about ¼ inch in diameter.

Photo credits

John Ruter, University of Georgia,

Top right:

Yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus) by Evelyn Simak - is licensed under CC-by-sa/2.0.

Bottom right:

Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Joseph M. DiTomaso, University of California - Davis,

Steve Hurst, USDA NRCS PLANTS Database,

Yellow Flag Iris

Iris pseudacorus

Yellow flag iris is an invasive plant. It was introduced to the Pacific Northwest in ornamental water gardens, erosion control projects, and sewage treatment ponds. It spreads quickly, forming dense stands in shallow water and wet soil. Yellow flag iris is is toxic to livestock. Take action to control this invasive plant and prevent its spread.

Yellow starthistle flower and spines

Flowers are bright yellow with long, sharp spines at the base.

Gray-green yellow star thistle stems

Stems are gray-green. The extended leaf bases make the stems appear winged.

Yellow starthistle rosette

Yellow starthistle forms a rosette after germinating. Plants in this stage grow a large taproot.

Yellow starthistle plants growing in dense stand

Yellow starthistle plants grow in dense stands from 6 inches to 5 feet tall.

Yellow starthistle seeds

Yellow starthistle plants can produce thousands of seeds. Up to 95% of seeds are viable. Seeds remain viable in the soil for 3 or more years.

Photo credits

"St Barnabys Thistle" by John Tann is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Top right:

Steve Dewey, Utah State University,

Bottom right:

Cindy Roche,

Yellow Starthistle

Centaurea solstitialis

Yellow starthistle grows spreading stems from 6 inches to 5 feet tall. Its stems are gray-green. It forms yellow flowers with sharp spines at the base. Yellow starthistle’s prickly flowers hurt and limit access to areas. Take action to control it.

Himalayan blackberry thicket in abandoned area

Himalayan blackberry takes over neglected areas. Plants live for many years (perennial). Canes grow up to 15 feet tall. They grow on the ground or through vegetation or structures.

Red-colored Himalayan blackberry cane with large thorns

Himalayan blackberry thorns are large and dangerous. If you are injured by a blackberry thorn, clean the wound with soap and water.

Himalayan blackberry fruits, leaves, and stems

Birds and mammals eat the berries and spread seeds widely.

Himalayan blackberry leaflet with five leaves

 Leaves are palm-shaped with a central stem. Each leaf has five leaflets (sometimes three) with toothed margins.

Himalayan blackberry flower and leaves

Himalayan blackberry flowers have five petals in shades of white to pink. They are very attractive to honey bees and other pollinators.

Photo credits

"IMG_5394" by cyborgsuzy is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Top right:
Top right:

"Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus" by loarie is marked with CC BY 2.0.

Bottom right:

Eric Coombs, Oregon Department of Agriculture,

Himalayan Blackberry

Rubus bifrons. R. armeniacus

Invasive Himalayan blackberry is a widespread plant that grows in neglected and natural areas throughout the Pacific Northwest. Canes have sharp thorns and form dense thickets. Take action to control Himalayan blackberry and limit its spread.

Giant hogweed flowers

Have white, umbrella-like, flowerhead (umbels) that are 18-24 inches across

Hollow stem is covered with dark purple blotches, bumps and hairs

Stems are 2-4 inches in diameter and hollow. Have purplish-red blotches and bumps. Covered with stiff hairs.

Dense patch of giant hogweed plants before flowering

Forms dense patches that emerge in later winter and spring. Stems die and remain standing late summer through early winter.

Photo credits

Terry English, USDA APHIS PPQ,

Bottom right:

Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Giant Hogweed

Heracleum mantegazzianum

Giant hogweed plants often reach 10–12 feet tall. The white flowers grow 8–24 inches across. Leaves are 3–5 feet wide, coarsely toothed, with deeply cut leaflets. Giant hogweed sap on your skin or eyes causes severe burns when exposed to sunlight. Report this invasive species if you think you’ve found it on your property. Giant hogweed is an Early Detection Rapid Response species. An agency can help yo u control it on your property.

Hedge bindweed growing on fence

Hedge bindweed forms a dense mat of vines and leaves on the ground. It often climbs and overtakes other plants, fences, and any adjacent structure.

Hedge bindweed leaves and stems (vines)

Mature plants have triangular or arrow-shaped leaves that range from 2-5 inches long.
The bottom of hedge bindweed leaves are squared off or rounded compared to field bindweed. The vines are often reddish-tinged and grow up to 10 feet long.

Pink and white hedge bindweed flowers

Hedge bindweed spreads by vines supporting flowers that are 2.5-5 inches long and 1-2 inches wide. Look for flowers in late spring throughout summer. The flowers produce 2-4 grey-to-brown-black seeds that persist for decades in the soil.
Hedge bindweed also spreads by rhizomes.

Hedge bindweed rhizome and root system

The photo shows a hedge bindweed plant with rhizomes sprouting new above-ground shoots.
Hedge bindweed’s root system may spread horizontally up to 10 feet and many feet deep. The extensive root system allows the plant to avoid drought conditions. Look for seedlings and shoots from mature plants in early spring.

Hedge bindweed seeds compared to ruler (millimeter scale)

Hedge bindweed plants produce dozens to hundreds of seeds shown in the photo. Seeds remain viable in the soil for decades.

Photo credits

Robert Vidéki, Doronicum Kft.,

Top right:

"Calystegia sepium" by dhobern is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Salicyna, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ken Chamberlain, The Ohio State University,

Hedge Bindweed

Calystegia sepium

Hedge bindweed is a perennial (long-lived) plant that dies back to the ground in the winter. This herbaceous (soft stems and leaves), vining plant has white-to-pink flowers. Hedge bindweed spreads by seed and root fragments. Individual plants spread with an extensive underground root system.

Knotweed leaves and stems

The leaves grow opposite one another along the red stems.

Knotweed leaves and flower

Leaves grow as long as 15 inches and 11 inches in width. But leaves can be smaller, as shown in the photo.

Knotweeds plant with many flowers

Flowers are abundant in mid to late summer. They grow on branches in the top 1/3 of the plant. Flowers make seeds that result in new plants. But seedlings play a small role in establishing new stands.

Knotweed clump with many stems

Stems are long, hollow, and segmented like bamboo. They grow from 4-15 feet tall and are often arched.

Knotweed root structure

Knotweed spreads far beyond shoot growth with underground root structures (rhizomes). Stems and root pieces broken or cut away from rooted plants can make new plants.

Knotweed stand with dead stems in dormant season

In the fall and winter, knotweed stems die and remain standing. New growth emerges from the soil in early spring.

Photo credits

David J. Moorhead, University of Georgia,

Top right:

Barbara Tokarska-Guzik, University of Silesia,

Jan Samanek, Phytosanitary Administration,

John Cardina, The Ohio State University,

Barbara Tokarska-Guzik, University of Silesia,


Fallopia sachalinensis , F. x bohemica , F. japonica & Persicaria wallichii

Knotweeds are a group of related, invasive plant species. They are shrub-like, broadleaf plants that die back in the winter. Knotweed plants grow 4–15 feet tall each year. They have large, oval-to-heart-shaped leaves. Take action to report and control knotweed.

Common Pokeweed with red stems, green unripe berries

Pokeweed often matures into a shrub or small tree. But it is not woody and dies back with the onset of winter.

Red pokeweed stem

Stems grow two to eight feet each year from a white, fleshy root. They are colored green, red, or purple. The hollow stems are smooth and grow up to 4 inches across.

Pokeweed leaves

Each leaf is 5-20 inches long. The leaves are about one third as wide as they are long. They alternate along the stem. The leaves smell bad when crushed.

Dark-purple pokeweed berries

The flowers mature into green berries. In late summer or early fall, berries turn dark purple. The berries occur as a drooping bunch that resembles a grape cluster. Berries are poisonous. Do NOT eat the berries.
Birds eat the berries and scatter the seeds. New plants grow from the seeds.

Cluster of pokeweed shoots

Pokeweed seedlings have alternate leaves. The leaves are red on the underside.

Shoots emerge from established root crowns in the spring. The shoots resemble seedlings, but are thicker and clustered together as shown in the photo.

Photo credits

Weston Miller, Oregon State University

Top right:

Karan A. Rawlins, University of Georgia,

Bottom right:

"Phytolacca americana leaf" by John Tann is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Ohio State Weed Lab, The Ohio State University,


Phytolacca americana

Pokeweed may mature into a shrub or small tree, but it is not woody and dies back with the onset of winter. The crushed leaves have a strong, unpleasant odor. All parts of pokeweed are poisonous to people, pets, and livestock. Take action to report and control pokeweed.