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Apple Scab

Venturia inaequalis
Updated Feb 03, 2025

Make a Positive Identification

  • Apple scab is a fungus that causes scabby lesions on apple leaves and fruit.
  • It may cause trees to drop their leaves.
  • It overwinters in infected plant debris.
Species: Apple scab
 Apple leaves showing scabby blemishes

Signe Danler, Oregon State University

Scab first appears as tiny yellow, or chlorotic, spots on leaves. They enlarge and turn dark olive-green, then black. Leaves may become distorted, puckered, and mottled. Severely affected leaves often turn yellow and drop early. This defoliates and weakens the tree.

Species: Apple scab
Apple showing scabby blemishes

Margalob, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Scab spots on fruits begin as small, raised, brown or black circular areas. As fruit develops, scab spots enlarge. The central areas become brown and corky. Deep cracks may develop. Severely infected fruit becomes misshapen and usually drops from the tree.

Species: Apple scab
Apple showing small black spots

University of Georgia Plant Pathology , University of Georgia,

Late-season infections may not show on fruit until they are in storage. There they develop small black "pinpoint" scab spots. This may be tolerated in backyard trees. Peeling the fruit will remove the pinpoint-sized scab lesions.

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Apple Scab Benefits

  • Apple scab is a plant disease that harms susceptible apple fruit and trees. It doesn’t have any benefit for people or the environment.

Apple Scab Risks

  • Apple scab causes damage to leaves and fruit.
  • Fruit is unsightly. It may be distorted, severely blemished, and inedible due to poor texture.
  • Leaves may drop and weaken the tree.
Risk Card
Does it cause harm?
Adults & Children
Action Optional

Take Action?

Apple scab impacts the fruit and health of apple trees. It can destroy an apple crop.

Do I need to take action?
A light apple scab infection may be tolerated.

What if I do nothing?
A severe infection can make fruit unusable and weaken the tree. It should be treated.


Prevent Apple Scab

Box of scab-free Liberty apples

Signe Danler, Oregon State University

Plant Scab-resistant Apple and Crabapple Varieties

Resistant varieties include 'Akane' (Tokyo Rose), 'Chehalis', ’Enterprise’, ‘Freedom’, 'Liberty', 'Paulared', 'Prima', or 'Tydeman Red'.

Apple and leaves with drops of water

"Apple Tree" by Hafsa Nabeel is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Reduce Moisture on Foliage

Use sprinkler heads that do not wet the foliage of the tree, or use drip irrigation. Or, irrigate early in the day. This gives leaves time to dry before warmer daytime temperatures encourage scab growth. Prune trees to increase air flow. This will reduce the amount of time foliage is wet from rain or dew.

Severely defoliated tree on left. Vigorous, healthy tree on right.

Left: Defoliated crabapple tree photo used with permission from James Walla.

Right: T. Davis Sydnor, The Ohio State University,

Apply Fungicide at the Correct Times to Prevent Apple Scab

Tree on the left was not treated with fungicide during a severe outbreak. Note the thin canopy and defoliation. The tree on the right is healthy.

Solutions for Apple Scab


Non-chemical Methods

  • Encourage fallen leaves to decompose rapidly.
  • Rake up and dispose of fallen leaves.

Chemical methods

  • Fungicides effectively control apple scab when used according to label directions. 
  • They must be applied before plants develop disease symptoms to work.


Consider a licensed pest control company. Learn How to Hire a Pest Control Company.
Your local Extension Specialist in Oregon  and other states  can suggest other methods.

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Method Does it work? Is it safe? Recommendation
Rake Leaves
Low risk
Speed Leaf Decomposition
Low risk
Control with Fungicides
Moderate risk
Use if Necessary
If Using Fungicides, Protect Yourself & Minimize Risks

Rake Leaves

Non-Chemical Method

"Rake leaves onto tarp" by Joseph Steiner is licensed under CCO 1.0 public domain

Rake Leaves

Rake and destroy infected leaves. This can limit the disease to tolerable levels.

Does it work?
How much effort?
Moderate effort
What's the risk?
Low risk
Possible risk of exposure or harm from chemicals

Speed Leaf Decomposition

Non-Chemical Method

Speed Leaf Decomposition

In the fall, apply nitrogen (5% urea) and a adjuvant to speed decomposition of fallen leaves. Adjuvants include Organic Wet Betty (yucca extract) and 30% yeast extract. 

Shredding the leaves also speeds decomposition. Apply dolomitic lime in fall, after leaf drop. This will increase soil pH and help reduce fungus spores next spring.

Does it work?
How much effort?
Moderate effort
What's the risk?
Low risk
Possible risk of exposure or harm from chemicals

Control with Fungicides

Chemical Method: Use with caution


Control with Fungicides

Use if Necessary

Fungicide sprays are necessary if the weather is rainy, and leaves are likely to remain wet for 9 or more hours.

Does it work?

Fungicides effectively prevent apple scab when used according to label directions. 

How much effort?
Moderate effort

Apply fungicides early and thoroughly to protect new growth.

What's the risk?
Moderate risk

Using fungicides comes with real risks. ALWAYS read the entire label front to back. Review instructions even for brands you know.

Possible risk of exposure or harm from chemicals
Using fungicides includes some amount of risk. The lowest risk comes with using alternative methods.

You may be exposed to a fungicide if you:

  • Get it on your skin
  • Breathe it in
  • Eat or smoke afterward without washing hands
  • Touch or eat plants that are wet with spray (you, pets, or children)
  • Bring it inside on your shoes or clothes

Follow directions closely to reduce risk.

Some fungicides are available for home use. A few are listed below.  These active ingredients are available alone or in products containing more than one. They are effective chemical treatments for apple scab. Look for these chemical names in the “Active Ingredients” section of product labels.

  • Neem oil 
  • Sulfur 
  • Copper Fungicide
  • Myclobutanil 

Suggested pesticides are from the Pesticide Information Center Online (PICOL) Database. They are permitted for HOME use in Oregon. Read the label for application directions and effectiveness information.

ONLY professional pesticide applicators can use Restricted-Use Pesticides (RUP) that may be more effective. If you need further support, contact a licensed pesticide applicator.

Example product label with active ingredient neem oil

Sample product label with Active Ingredient(s) highlighted

A red box on the example label highlights active ingredient clarified hydrophobic extract of Neem oil. The label lists fruits.

Fungicide Application Tips

  • The critical period for scab control comes as the young buds are opening. It is very hard to control apple scab once plants develop disease symptoms.
  • Apply fungicide just after the buds begin to open. Continue until the apples are 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) in diameter. 
  • Repeat at regular intervals until dry weather. Check for application timing on the label. 
  • Researchers recommend alternating different active ingredient groups. Local populations of apple scab may develop resistance if only one type of fungicide is used repeatedly.
  • Using fungicides comes with real risks. ALWAYS read the entire label front to back. Review instructions even for brands you know.
  • Consult a licensed pesticide applicator for treatment of trees over 10 ft. tall.

If Using Fungicides, Protect Yourself & Minimize Risks

Chemical Method: Use with Caution
Gloved hands holding pesticide package to read label

Weston Miller, Oregon State University

Why Is It Important to Read Fungicide Product Labels?

  • They have detailed information on how to use the product correctly and legally.
  • They contain information on potential hazards of the product.
  • They provide instructions you should follow for poisonings and spills.
  • Following label instructions helps you to minimize the risks and maximize the benefits.

Key Fungicide Safety Tips

  • Read the entire label front to back.
  • Follow the instructions.
  • Review the instructions even for brands you know.
  • Only apply the product where the label says it can be applied.
  • Keep all fungicides in their original container.

The Label is the Law

ALWAYS read the label before using fungicide products. The label is a legal document that provides information on how to safely use the fungicide. It includes appropriate personal protective gear and application methods. This helps avoid harm to human health and the environment. Using a fungicide in off-label ways is illegal. It can result in legal enforcement actions.

READ THE LABEL & Follow Instructions
It has instructions to protect you and the environment.

  • Labels are different for every product and they often change over time.
  • Use a magnifying glass for small print.
  • Pay attention to CAUTION, WARNING, and DANGER statements.
  • Pay attention to the PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS.
  • The law states you must read and follow fungicide instructions.

Protect Yourself
Eye, skin & lung irritants

  • Wear the right protective gear. This often includes, but is not limited to: a long-sleeved shirt, pants, socks, closed shoes, safety glasses, and chemical-resistant gloves. 
  • Mix fungicide products outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  • Wash hands after you mix or apply fungicides and before smoking or eating.
  • Wash clothes worn while mixing and applying fungicides separately from all other laundry.

Protect Children & Pets
Children and pets are at risk if they eat or touch the plant before fungicides dry.

  • Keep them away during and after applying fungicides (read label for how long).
  • Remove toys and pet dishes from the yard before applying.
  • Don’t track fungicide products into home on shoes or clothes.

Protect Pollinators

  • Apply early morning or evening when bees are less active.
  • Avoid spraying flowering plants, if possible.
  • Don’t spray on bees or insects.

Storage & Disposal

  • Store out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Store in a cool and dry place.
  • Never pour down any drain.
  • If you mix too much, apply it rather than storing it.
  • Don’t put fungicide containers in the trash unless instructed by the label.
  • Take unused fungicides to a hazardous waste facility.

Call  1-800-CLEANUP (1-800-253-2687) to find out where to dispose of pesticides.

For the Portland metro region in Oregon, contact Metro’s Recycling Information. Call  503-234-3000, email   or visit Metro’s website  

More about:

About Using Pesticides on School Grounds in Oregon

If using pesticides on school grounds, there are special rules in Oregon. See School Integrated Pest Management  (Oregon Department of Agriculture).


The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)  can answer questions about pest control chemicals.
 1-800-858-7378 or  

Consider using a licensed pest or weed control company. Learn How to Hire a Pest Control Company.

Your local Extension Specialist in Oregon  and other states  can suggest other methods.

Content provided by Weston Miller, Signe Danler and Jeremiah Mann. Pesticide safety information edited by Kaci Buhl.

  Peer review facilitated by OSU Department of Horticulture.

Photo of Weston Miller

Weston Miller

Project Founder and Content Writer

Weston Miller served as Community and Urban Horticulture faculty for Oregon State University Extension Service for Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties. Weston is an author for content for this website. He developed funding partnerships with Portland area agencies to initiate and build out the Solve Pest Problems website focused on this goals:

Signe Danler

Signe Danler (Editor/Writer)

Signe Danler is a veteran Master Gardener and landscape designer, with an MAg degree in Horticulture from OSU, and an emphasis on Urban Horticulture. As instructor for the OSU Extension Service online Home Horticulture and Master Gardener Program, she uses her experience and training in gardening, urban forestry and ecological landscaping to communicate about and promote sustainable gardening and landscaping practices.

J. Jeremiah Mann

J. Jeremiah Mann

J. Jeremiah Mann completed a Physical Science undergraduate degree at Humboldt State University, and M.S, Ph.D focusing on plant science topics at UC Davis. He went on to work for the Natural Resources Conservation Service and in a leadership position serving a private agricultural technology company. He currently lives in Sacramento California where he consults on pest and property management topics.

Photo of Kaci Buhl

Kaci Buhl

At the state level, I lead the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP). The program hosts live recertification events around the state, serving over 1,000 licensed pesticide applicators each year. We also produce web-based training modules and license-preparation study manuals. Special training for unlicensed pesticide applicators is also available through a grant from the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. The PSEP at OSU works closely with the Oregon Department of Agriculture's Pesticides Division.


Apple Scab
PNW Pest Management Handbooks

Apple Scab (pdf)
Washington State University Extension Service

Apple: Scab
Washington State University Hortsense

Apple and Pear Scab
University of California IPM