Japanese beetle adults are oval and a little less than a half-inch long. They have a green metallic head and bronze-brown metallic wing covers.
Adult beetles have white tufts of hair located along each side of the abdomen and rear.
Japanese beetle adults feed on flowers and leaves of hundreds of plant species. They are often found in large groups feeding on plants.
Japanese beetle grubs are curved, creamy white with dark ends. They look like many other insect grubs found in soil.
M.G. Klein, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Bugwood.org
Grubs feed on turf grass, and many landscape and garden plants. They damage large areas of turf grass. Japanese beetle is the most widespread turf grass pest in the United States.
Japanese Beetle
Popillia japonica
This invasive insect threatens the Pacific Northwest. Adults and larvae damage many different plants in lawns, landscapes, farms, and natural areas.
Japanese Beetle in Oregon
See Japanese Beetle PDX (Oregon Department of Agriculture). The ODA has been actively working since 2017 to eradicate Japanese beetle where it has been found.
How to Identify Japanese Beetle
Adult beetles are oval and a little less than a half-inch long. They have a green metallic head and bronze-brown metallic wing covers. They have white tufts of hair located along each side of the abdomen and rear. They feed on many kinds of plants and may skeletonize leaves.
Be Alert and Report Sightings
If you think you have spotted Japanese beetles and live outside the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s treatment area, Email Japanese.beetle@oda.Oregon.gov or call 503-986-4636 or 1-866-INVADER.
Action Highly Recommended